When a girl meets a guy and she tells her friends about him, her friends ask, 'What's his name??'
Sometimes a name is just a name. And sometimes... it can magically amplify his mystery and charm. Some names try too hard and turn out to be funny. Or! The guy with the funny name has the ability to make anything seem cool, so his name becomes cooler than the coolest of names. I'm sure men have a parallel with women, but, I'm not a man, so I really have no idea. But anyone will admit, some names are just sexy.
"Oh! I've never met a 'so and so' before. They sound interesting. I wonder why their parents named them that. What's the origin of that name? I have to know."
A regularly named person can be equally as interesting as a sexy named, probably even more so, but do they get as much attention? Do they spark the interests of as many people? Do they get as many life opportunities as those that are blessed with enchanting titles?
What kind of name do you have? I personally, have one of those good ol' fashioned boring names. So boring in fact, people usually have to put an initial after my name so they can differentiate among the millions of 'other Sarah's' they know.
It's alright. I'm OK with being mundane. But, I don't want anything I make to be. No child of mine is going to be named---. Oh no! I don't want to offend anyone. And I'm not having kids anytime soon, so I guess I can just relate this whole diatribe to THE NAME of my short!
A title is just like a name. And creating a piece of art is like creating a life. So, naming this short has been quite a challenge because the name that first came to me was a gift. My beloved aunt who is a writer herself, read my short and suggested I call it 'He loves me Not.'
I respect my aunt so much as an artist and philosopher. Her perspectives enlighten me in every way, so when she suggested this title, I loved it and wanted her to have a part in my creation.
But as time went on, I ran up against several problems. The title left no mystery. What's life without mystery? But, I liked the way it sounded! It was kinda catchy. And, my aunt Linda came up with it! And I love my aunt Linda!
Are these the dilemmas parents go through when naming their children? Should we name it after this person or that one? You can't tell a person you're going to name your child after them and then change your mind! Right??
Well! Good thing this isn't a child, it's a short film and my aunt is pretty cool. I'm pretty sure she'll understand. In fact, I'm fairly sure she'll say, I never really liked the name anyway...
So... Now, I'm looking for a new name. I'm about to send the locked version of the final cut to the colorist, and I don't know what to name my film baby! Well, that's not entirely true. I have renamed it. And there is reasoning behind the new name. And I think it holds some mystery. But, I'm still looking for THE SEXY. There's no sexy in this name!
Maybe if I 'Just Go With the Flow', it will come to me... ;)